Sam M.
Edmonton, AB
Conquering unexpected child support matters
The challenge
Faced with an unexpected child support issue via Family Maintenance and Enforcement, Sam’s family finances took an abrupt hit that left her short $150 for groceries – a situation that was especially shocking as she was usually quite financially stable.
Could've asked mom, but that would be shameful and stressful.
The FastForward solution
FastForward offered a discreet, shame-free solution, meaning that Sam did not have to choose between using her credit card and asking family for help – both options that clashed with her goals and personal comfort. Instead, she was able to immediately cover the grocery shortfall without involving her credit card or family, which allowed her to maintain her financial independence and privacy.
Ah FastForward, thank god. I could've put it on my credit cards, but that's one of my goals to keep it clear. It feels like insurance – something happens, I'm covered.