Get started with MoneyUp
Choose the plan that fits your needs and start making the most of your money. MoneyUp Smart comes with a free 15-day trial, so you can see if it’s the right fit for you.
MoneyUp Lite
All the basic MoneyUp features
Access to FastForward's basic line of credit
No interest
Instant approval
Automatic payment reporting to build your credit score
MoneyUp Smart
Everything in MoneyUp Lite plus:
2 free e-Transfers per month
Daily draws for $50 gift cards
Weekly local digital flyers
Get started with MoneyUp
Choose the plan that fits your needs and start making the most of your money. MoneyUp Smart comes with a free 15-day trial, so you can see if it’s the right fit for you.
MoneyUp Lite
All the basic MoneyUp features
Access to FastForward's basic line of credit
No interest
Instant approval
Automatic payment reporting to build your credit score
MoneyUp Smart
Everything in MoneyUp Lite plus:
2 free e-Transfers per month
Daily draws for $50 gift cards
Weekly local digital flyers
Get started with MoneyUp
Choose the plan that fits your needs and start making the most of your money. MoneyUp Smart comes with a free 15-day trial, so you can see if it’s the right fit for you.
MoneyUp Lite
All the basic MoneyUp features
Access to FastForward's basic line of credit
No interest
Instant approval
Automatic payment reporting to build your credit score
MoneyUp Smart
Everything in MoneyUp Lite plus:
2 free e-Transfers per month
Daily draws for $50 gift cards
Weekly local digital flyers
MoneyUp Lite vs. MoneyUp Smart
2 free e-Transfers per month
Free bank transfers
Daily draws for $50 gift cards
Weekly local digital flyers (coming soon)
Shopping list (coming soon)
Increased FastForward credit limit
MoneyUp Lite vs. MoneyUp Smart
2 free e-Transfers per month
Free bank transfers
Daily draws for $50 gift cards
Weekly local digital flyers (coming soon)
Shopping list (coming soon)
Increased FastForward credit limit
MoneyUp Lite vs. MoneyUp Smart
2 free e-Transfers per month
Free bank transfers
Daily draws for $50 gift cards
Weekly local digital flyers (coming soon)
Shopping list (coming soon)
Increased FastForward credit limit